Small Print may contain affiliate links, advertisements, or product mentions for which we receive compensation. If we mention a product it is because we authentically appreciate that particular product. That does not necessarily mean we endorse the entire brand or company. We try very hard to do our homework but sometimes it's difficult or nearly impossible to determine a product's corporate/political affiliations. Unfortunately, sometimes those affiliations may not align with our values.

All images and content are original to Province unless otherwise credited. Scrapbook images are original to Province and may not be shared, sold, printed, or distributed in any manner.

If we post an image on or any of our associated social media accounts, it is because one or more of the following are true: a) the image is our original content b) we own the right to share the image or were granted permission from the rights holder c) we found the image listed as creative commons, fair use, public domain, or other such status granting usage without express permission from the rights holder.  d) we shared content from another blog or account that obtained one or more of aforementioned permissions and we've retained all attributions and backlinks. If you find an image on or any of our associated social media accounts that does not fall under any of these categories, it was done so unintentionally—please alert us and we will remove it immediately.

Please retain original links and credits when sharing Province blog content. We hope you'll like our blog posts enough to share them far and wide, but please do not just copy and paste our full articles. Rather, you may share a portion, up to 50%, of the blog post and then provide a link back to Province for the remainder so that we can get some of the credit for our hard work. We could write a bunch of scary legal mumbo jumbo here, but for now we'll defer to the late great John Lennon: "Instant Karma's gonna get you..."